The Difference Between Natural Law And Man Made Law
The guiding principles of natural law, with which you can become familiar here, provide us with the the morally correct path to co-create a loving world. Our choice to choose love over fear is backed by a universal guarantee for our attainment of true understanding with which to sustain sovereignty, freedom, harmony and order. Our vibrational alignment with the principles and truth bound within natural law is our return to the flow of creation wherein our moral compass is restored. Man made law is vulnerable to immorally incorrect and erroneous beliefs when man’s knowledge and understanding fail to harmonize with the laws of creation. For our universe operates within the wisdom of harmonic resonance, and our inability to attune with this wisdom is the cause of our separation and suffering; and the effect is our blind allegiance to the negative expressions of natural law rather than our loyalty to the positive expressions. Man’s dogmatic beliefs are rooted in mental constructs that disregard the integrity of emotional, physical and spiritual components. How do we comply with man made laws that do not consider the totality of the whole person? The laws of man confine us to an ultimatum for which our failure to comply becomes our fear of punishment.
Natural laws define universal truth that transcends all race, color and creed while man’s laws attempt to restrict the right to sovereign freedom based upon one’s race, color and creed. If all men are created equal, then the creation of man made laws to suit the bias of locales or conditions is a violation of natural law. Human beings do not possess the authority to dictate written laws under the guise of moral relativism that utterly destroys one’s sovereignty and freedom. Our moral sphere is determined by our alignment to the laws of creation, not by the moral relativity bound within man’s mutable laws. We cannot trade our internal self-mastery to know right from wrong for the moral whims of external authority to dictate moral correctness from immoral incorrectness. Our ethical guidance is embedded within the eternal and immutable laws of the universe that supersedes the limitations of ever-changing moral relevancy. Natural law grants us the morally correct principles as trustworthy guidance to prevent our enslavement within immorally incorrect governance. We must heed the lost generative principle of care by which to say NO to moral relativism, and YES to the immutable laws governing the universe and all creation. Mankind has a moral obligation to check and correct the dogmatic beliefs being imposed upon them so as to defend our sovereign freedom, and to maintain the harmonious and natural order at the heart of our existence. Our moral accountability demands that we understand the difference between natural law and man made law.

The Positive And Negative Expressions Of Natural Law
Natural law is a vibratory force at work within the invisible field in which all living things establish wholeness, order and integrity. Rupert Sheldrake identified this elusive space as the morphic field wherein all self-organizing systems possess an innate memory for shifts in frequencies. Thus, all living things are connected through a collective memory known as morphic resonance. Natural law offers us the guiding principles to which we can collectively resonate, and begin to remember who we are as whole beings in symbiotic relationship to all life. The positive and negative expressions of natural law are a spiritual science: our earthly manifestations are proven evidence for the spiritual quality of our conscious or unconscious choices. If we want to manifest good in the world, we must align with the requirements for the positive expression of natural law with unwavering commitment.
The chart above, courtesy of Mark Passio at whatonearthishappening.com, defines our current global challenge to manifest order and good over manifested evil and chaos. Let’s begin with the negative expressions that generate fear so that we can end with the positive expressions for the love we long to see flourishing upon our planet.
The Natural Law of Polarity confirms the dual nature of the universe in which everything is paired with a polarized opposite. While there is no escaping theses dual forces, this law does allow offer the natural inclination for opposites to move towards a harmonious reconciliation. The danger, however, lies in polarized opposites that fail to converge whereupon they become fixed, rigid dualities engaged in a futile and tiresome battle to dominate. The goal is to remain in the dynamic flow of polarization rather than becoming trapped within the confinement of unyielding duality. Our ability to maintain balance and fluidity within polarized opposites creates the foundation for what we use to create as the generative polarity. We see in the world today the trappings of unconscious fear igniting the negative expressions that can only lead to more chaos. We must balance and reconcile our descent into fear with our conscious choice for a loving positive expression that guarantees a better outcome. Our co-creative choice to love, not fear, is the foundation for all our positive manifestations.
When we unconsciously choose fear, we generate the vibration of fear that blocks our acceptance of natural law’s truth, and we begin to operate from a state of ignorance. Our ignorance creates the confusion that dominates our internal domain, and we project this confusion into our environment whereby the external expression generates the need for control. The more control that is enforced upon a society, the more chaos is generated from which manifested evil arises. Our subsequent victimization status is futile for we the people chose to use our unconscious fear as our generative polarity. The Natural Law of Cause and Effect affirms that the effect of our victimization is the cause of our unconscious ignorance as to how we became victims. We cannot undo the effect; we can only shift our consciousness to the causal plane by which to recognize our accountability for our current condition. We cannot harvest change from our fearful garden overgrown with chaotic weeds; we can create change by planting new seeds of love into the causal soil.
The positive expression of natural law requires that we become master gardeners to grow the garden of our dreams. We must consciously choose to plant the seeds of love that carry the truth and knowledge of our internal mastery and sovereignty. As we project the power of our internal monarchy into the world, our garden grows in the rich, fertile soil of freedom from which external self-mastery blossoms. Now we can harvest the bounty we have created from our consistent dedication to nurturing the positive expressions of natural law. The effect is our manifestation of a garden full of order and beauty from which only good things can come.
The Guiding Principles of Natural Law
Natural law is a gift from the source of creation. All creation is governed by the innate guiding principles of natural law designed to help us understand the world in which we live, and to live harmoniously and successfully upon the Earth. Natural laws are not limited to the natural world, but rather the wisdom we find in nature unlocks the secrets to the universe and the unseen realms. Thus, natural laws are also universal and spiritual laws; they are the laws of creation. Nature’s wisdom reveals the cosmic and vibratory forces flowing throughout all of creation with a harmonic resonance, and to which we must align and attune in order to find our creative fit upon our planet. We do not live upon a pile of rocks subjected to haphazard and meaningless events; rather we are here to become conscious co-creators in harmonious cooperation with the sentient, cosmic intelligence of a living planet. Natural laws are dynamic, fluid and immutable; man made laws are limited, fixed and mutable. We cannot override the power of natural law with mere mental constructs within man made law that attempts to define and control our existence. We are energy beings governed by the laws of a vibratory universe; we are spiritual beings governed by the mysteries of spiritual law; and we are Earthlings governed by the guiding principles of natural law. Our willingness to embrace the truth and knowledge of these natural principles will insure our return to living harmoniously with nature, the cosmos and one another.
The Principle of Gender
The Law of Gender validates both the masculine and feminine principles in everything. In the human mind, the masculine aspect dominates the left side of the brain marked by intellect, logic, rational linear thinking: the feminine aspect rules intuition, creativity, compassion and holistic thinking in the right side of the brain. Our conscious thought process must be rooted in the sacred union of both the masculine and feminine principles if we expect to manifest a world of balance and harmony.
The Principle of Mentalism
The Law of Mentalism states that the universe is mind, and all manifestation of events and things is the result of thought. Every thought we have sets into motion the sequence that ultimately creates our life experience; thus, we are accountable for what we both think and create. We could also refer to mentalism as the Law of Deliberate Intent for our thoughts are the deliberate intentions of what we desire to create. It is vital that we take time to examine our thoughts, and correct erroneous, conditioned beliefs that no longer support the experience for which we are longing.
The Principle of Vibration
The Law of Vibration affirms that everything is energy in motion and vibrating at various frequencies. Nothing truly rests; even solid matter is vibrational energy at the subatomic level. The natural world consistently mirrors to us the shifts in frequency to which our genetic design is sensing and responding. We are at every moment receiving frequency signals from our environment, and transmitting the vibration of those messages back out into our immediate world and the universe. Our quest to create a better world directly corresponds to the quality of our thoughts that determine the nature of our vibratory essence.
The Principle of Rhythm
The Law of Rhythm attests to the eternal flow of the tides, moving in and out, back and forth, in counterbalancing measure. This is our natural rhythm: to be in vibrational alignment with the flow of creation as it moves towards the confluence between the rivers of good and evil. It is our consistent allowance to trust in the heartbeat of creation as the flawless tempo by which to dance our way through life.
The Principle of Correspondence
The Law of Correspondence confirms that we live in a holographic universe wherein the totality of the macrocosm is the mirror reflection for all the individual parts in the smaller microcosm. We are each a fragment contributing to the whole. As above, so below: as within, so without. Everything we see happening in our world, is happening above in the cosmos. Everything happening in the cosmos is taking place on our planet. All that is occurring in the aggregate is occurring within the individual. All that is at work within the individual is at work within the aggregate. The disharmony we see on our planet is a match for the conflict within our minds and souls.
The Principle of Polarity
The Law of Polarity upholds the dual nature of the universe. Everything is paired with an identical opposite that varies in scope and intensity while intense opposites tend to converge. This law of polarized opposites allows for an anomaly to be harmoniously reconciled; this is the descent of grace to reconcile our human mistakes and evil’s presence. The enigma within polarity is to not choose sides but to remain polarized, and go with the flow towards its natural inclination for a harmonic convergence. The danger lies in the long-term fixation of polarized opposition that fails to converge whereupon they become extreme dual forces engaged in a futile and tiresome battle to predominate.
The Principle of Cause and Effect
The Law of Cause and Effect presides over all the root causes that result in manifested realities. The plane of effects is our physical world wherein we witness the plane of causality from our mental world. There is no power to affect change upon the plane of effects for the effect has already occurred and cannot be undone. This is the plane for our entrapment and remaining stuck in an unconscious ignorance for how we got where we are. Only when we shift our awareness to the causal plane, and begin to ask why, will we recognize our accountability for the causal factors that have effectively contributed to our current condition. Our power to create change is solely rooted in the plane of causality wherein we can change our thoughts by which to manifest new realities. Some refer to this law as the Law of Karma: for every thought there is an action and for every action there is a manifestation. Good thoughts manifest good things; bad thoughts manifest bad things. What goes around comes around. If what comes around is not to our liking, there is nothing we can do to change it except to start planting new seeds for a better garden. Humanity’s capacity to become effective co-creators of a shared reality begins with the quality of the thoughts we plant consciously; not in trying to harvest change from our current neglected garden full of weeds. The Law of Attraction requires that we become the master gardeners before we can manifest the garden of our dreams.
The Lost Generative Principle
The Lost Generative Principle is the driving force of care by which to generate our life experience. To generate is to create, and to create is to care about our every thought, word, feeling and action that become the will behind what gets created in our world. It is not enough to talk about the change we want to see in the world. We have to care enough to change it through taking action to do our part, no matter how big or small.
How Natural Law Can Guide Human Evolution
Our modern world is dominated by an endless stream of man made laws telling us what we can and cannot do. As a people, we are governed by the moods and whims of those who create these laws that are inevitably coming and going, and always changing. Man made laws encourage our focus upon the external creation of order, and subjugate our belief systems to the confines of mental constructs used in the creation of man’s laws. In short, our evolutionary freedom is stifled by the mutable laws dictated by external authority that is vulnerable to the misuse of power, and changing laws to suit its agendas. Governance by and for the people was created not only to protect the people from this abuse of power, but to support the fluidity of natural law that is far superior to the limitations of man made law. America’s founding fathers were keenly aware of natural law, and instituted this awareness into the very fabric of our constitution. They also placed their faith and trust in the people’s responsibility to understand how natural law can guide human evolution as opposed to the wayward tendencies of man’s laws. While man made laws unquestionably serve a necessary role to maintain order, their creation devoid of an alignment to natural law renders them prone to abuse and violation.
Natural law is embedded in the very fabric of all creation. These immutable laws were designed to be the guiding principles by which humanity can thrive and prosper. Natural laws are universal and sacred under the protection of creation itself against alteration. At their core, these laws reveal the secrets of the universe at work in a constant flow of creation towards order. Our understanding of both the immutable and fluid nature of universal and natural law is paramount to the continued evolution of mankind. Our current condition, that many would describe as a state of devolution, is intimately interwoven with our present level of knowledge and truth regarding natural law. Whether we are conscious of it or not, we are bound to the immutable laws of creation, and thus, our understanding of them is far more important than of the mutable laws of man. We can, in fact, escape the ever-changing laws of man imposed upon us, but there is no way out from the flow of creation. Immutable natural law confirms that we are either working in harmony with or in opposition to this orderly flow. Our capacity to co-create in harmony with natural law guarantees the inevitable manifestation of freedom and order; our co-creation in opposition to natural law assures the ultimate outcome of enslavement and chaos. It is clear that our current state of the world indicates humanity’s inability to harmoniously align with the truth and knowledge of natural law. It is precisely this lack of truth and knowledge that perpetuates our enslaved and chaotic human condition, and prevents the flourishing of freedom and order. We are not effortlessly flowing downstream within the natural order of the river, but rather struggling upstream in resistance against the natural flow. The Natural Law of Rhythm affirms that we can overcome our struggles and suffering by our choice to turn our boat downstream, and return to the natural flow of life.
Natural law demands that we take full responsibility for the current state of the world, and which reflects back to us the current state of our internal beliefs. Our immediate as well as our global environments are the mirror for our cultural conditioning and programmed beliefs. We cannot co-create positive change in our lives nor in the world if we fail to understand how our beliefs and our energy manifest outcome. The Natural Law of Mentalism confirms that thought is the foundation for all manifestation; thus, our every thought contributes to the creation of our lives. We are, therefore, totally responsible for the quality of our life experiences. One might argue that the death of innocent people by bombing is hardly their responsibility; but according to natural law we are personally and collectively responsible for our life experiences determined by the alignment of our thoughts with the laws of creation, or not. We cannot afford erroneous beliefs that threaten our survival. Certainly our compassion is called for when others suffer under blatant violations by those abusing power. Immutable natural law is constantly violated by man, and we are only protected by the depth of our care to live by this knowledge. In doing so, we not only overcome the mentality of victimization, but we can defend these violations by using man made laws against the very people who create and violate them. The suffering and injustice we witness in the world are the result of putting our trust in man made laws rather than giving our attentive care to abiding in the knowledge and truth of natural laws that grant us the power to co-create our reality. The collective mentality of a nation in alignment with the laws of creation is imperative for their defense against violators of natural law.
Everything is energy. The Natural Law of Vibration affirms that all matter is purely vibratory energy in constant motion. As human beings in form living in a material world, we are vibrational beings living amidst vibratory matter. The frequency of energy is defined by the ranges of lower and higher vibrations. Our emotions, that equate to our energy in motion, are either operating at the lower or higher frequencies. Fear is the predominant lower vibration that sets into motion our ignorance and confusion followed by the outcomes of enslavement and chaos. Love is the highest vibration that opens us to the truth and knowledge of ourselves as co-creators, that then grants us our sovereign freedom by which to manifest order and beauty in the world. Fear and ignorance of natural law contributes to our devolution while the truth of love and knowledge expands our evolution. Humanity’s evolutionary path is marked by the generative principles of love and care for the wisdom within the very laws of creation freely given to us to sustain our sovereignty and freedom. Anything and everything that results in harm to sovereign and sentient life is not only immorally incorrect, but is in violation of natural law. Further, if man made laws do not uphold natural law, we have a moral obligation to challenge and question the validity of these erroneous laws. Humanity’s evolutionary freedom is rooted in the moral correctness of causing no harm, and which we must consistently defend at all costs.
Natural, universal and spiritual laws transcend all race, color and creed by which humanity can harmoniously unite despite their diversity as co-creators in support of our evolution and the creation of a better world.