
The causes of a weak microbiome and immune system are many and include an accumulation of toxins, residues, nutritional deficiencies, dehydration, lack of exercise and use of chemicals such as drugs and alcohol. Internal factors such as chronic emotional stress, depression or lack of sleep can also inhibit the normal function of the immune system. Low immune system is often the result of an unhealthy lifestyle.

The immune system is a network of cells and organs that specialize in defending the body against the strange attack on the body. When healthy it is able to fight the infection of bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites because of its ability to distinguish between familiar and unknown cells. If a foreign substance, or antigen, threatens a healthy organism, the immune system is able to recognize the threat and fight it through the production of defensive molecules and cells. However, a weak immune system does not have the strength to ward off invaders, and the body is vulnerable to diseases ranging from allergies to cancer.

Toxins are normally produced in the body and eliminated through the kidneys, intestines and skin. When toxins accumulate, the immune system is suppressed and the body becomes unable to cope with the threat, thus creating an environment vulnerable to illness and disease.

Lack of nutrition is an important factor in weakening an immune system because the body can not produce all the nutrients it needs for good health and relies on the ingestion of food to supply the nutrients it does not have. If you do not adopt a healthy diet, your immune system does not have all the tools you need to maintain a strong defense. Alcohol also suppresses the ability of white blood cells to multiply and inhibit their killing properties.

Water is essential for the optimal performance of the immune system and to prevent dehydration, which impairs the elimination of waste from the body. Without water, the body becomes tired and less able to fight the disease. Physical exercise and breathing are also essential for the cleansing action of the body, as the increased blood flow associated with the activity leads to a better circulation of the antibodies and white blood cells needed for defense against germs and viruses. Obesity also negatively affects the multiplication of white blood cells and the production of antibodies.

A healthy immune system destroys dangerous organisms entering the body and fights infection from within. It gathers immunity over time so that the frequency of infection is reduced. Leukocytes are produced by a healthy immune system; these in turn create antibodies to fight infections and allergies. People with good immune systems often exhibit healthy characteristics such as having lots of energy and infrequent illnesses.

Leukocytes are produced, circulated and stored by a healthy immune system. They are produced in two types; phagocytes which eliminate invader cells, and lymphocytes which keep a record of previous organism invasions and the blueprints for effectively destroying them. The immune system should produce leukocytes of sufficient numbers and quality to effectively fight infection.

People with a healthy immune system do not suffer from frequent illnesses. If they do, it can be a sign that they are not producing enough IgA. This substance guards the entrances to the body and is present in saliva, fighting infection before it has a chance to enter the body.

Rarely suffering from illnesses such as mouth ulcers, fungal infections, benign lumps and allergic reactions, indicates that a person has a healthy immune system. People who continually feel tired or suffer from depression and insomnia, sometimes have weak immune systems. These are signs that the body cannot cope with the bombardment of infections presented by the environment. One infection is barely cleared before the next begins. Regular bowel movements, strong muscles, good concentration and quick comprehension are all characteristics of a healthy immune system.

Documentaries on self-healing, nutrition and health:

Healing sites:

Nutritional Microscopy:

Dr. Mark Sircus; Core Protocol and Therapies:

Basic Equipment:

Far infrared light therapy: