“Be educated or be enslaved.”
“Elections are selections.”
About “Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Academia.”
About “power, profit and control.”
On viruses, pandemics, injections and technocracy:
- “The Great Awakening” com legendas
- Dr David E. Martin PhD – Covid Summit – European Union Parliament 2023
- Stop World Control
- InDoctorNation
- Vaxxed II
- La Quinta Columna
- Technocracy news
- “The Swarm” 15 min
- “The Swarm” 60 min

Modern corporate agriculture and medicine.
In our opinion, this 25 minute video by Dr. Zach Bush gives us a very clear understanding what is happening in our current civilization: Chemical Farming & The Loss of Human Health.
Nutrient production and disease treatments have changed a lot over the past 100 years, leading to the following “First world epidemics”; a decline in the immune system of the earth and the human microbiome mostly because of the widespread use of antibiotics for both.
- Autism 1:36
- Attention deficit 1:10 (70% medicated)
- Asthma 1:10
- Allergy 1:4
- Diabetes 1:4
- Obesity 1:3
- Major depression 1:2
- Cancer 1:2
After the “Roundup Ready” harvests were introduced in the mid-1990s, this water-soluble antibiotic toxin would subsequently penetrate the water, into grains, fruits and vegetables, in addition to seeping into groundwater, slowly penetrating rivers, oceans, our air and, finally, our rains. It is not surprising that diseases in our domesticated animals – from pets to animals – have followed a similar path. Chemical farming has increased annual crop losses since 1996, when glyphosate hit the market.
- 900 AD – The introduction of the plow that started to destroy the microbiota of the fertile soil, the beginning of the end of human health. The healthiest soil, with the most biodiversity, is the soil of the forests and no one has ever turned the earth over or used agro-toxics in the forest.
- 1950-60; “Agent Orange” in Vietnam – defoliant causing cancer to physical and mental malformations, even 40 years after the end of the war…
- 1973: Glyphosate – The patent reveals it has the functionality of a lethal antibiotic.
- 1980; It begins by combating “weeds” in US gardens, contaminating all fields and lawns in the USA.
- 1992: Introduction of glyphosate on a large scale to farmers and the onset of symptoms of glyphosate and gluten intolerance.
- 2007: Roundup’s patent ended and China started to produce in large quantities and much cheaper.
- 2020: The microbiota in the soil and in our gut is producing damaged proteins and plants.
- A round of roundup kills 50% of the earthworm population.
- 75% of the rain and air in the USA show glyphosate.
- 98% of the planet’s agricultural soil is dead.
- Chemical farming has increased annual crop losses since 1996, when glyphosate hit the market.
- Today, most transgenic crops go to fuels and plastics, such as polyesters and animal feed for dogs and cats.
- 90% of the seeds in the USA, China, India, New Zealand and Brazil are supplied by Bayer, a chemical company.
The imbalance in the health of the human body:
Over the past 25 years, we have seen the fastest explosion of chronic diseases in the history of mankind. In 2011, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) registered 54% of American children with some kind of disorder or chronic illness at the age of seventeen. These conditions occur in almost every facet of biology – to hormones and immune systems, the respiratory, neurological systems and beyond.
The epidemic is not limited to children. In adults, a wide range of conditions has steadily increased, from depression and anxiety to celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, multiple sclerosis, ALS (Lou Gherig’s disease), Alzheimer’s in women and Parkinson’s in men.
All in almost identical trajectories of increase since 1996.
The connecting factor is chronic inflammation. And chronic inflammation is the root of all diseases.
We spend more time indoors and in routines that completely disconnect us from mother nature. We have lost touch with how our food is grown, who grows it, what we are actually consuming and how it is reshaping our biology. This disconnect has made us more prone to chronic diseases than ever.
Research from around the world now suggests that environmental factors are contributing to a combination of genetic, neurological, autoimmune and metabolic injuries that support the collapse of the health of our children and adults.
- Usually, children are much more resilient than adults; today no more.
- In 1960, the children on the farms were the healthiest; In 2020 they are the sickest and have the most birth defects.
- The maps of cancer, autism and Alzheimer’s coincide perfectly with the expansion of the use of glyphosate and other antibiotics.
- 25% of the world population today has “Perforated bowel syndrome” causing autoimmune diseases.
- The water from 80% of the land in the USA, sprayed with glyphosate, ends up in the Mississippi Delta, the “Cancer Alley”, which has the highest levels of cancer and degenerative diseases in the world.
- 1960 – 4% of the US population with chronic disease; In 2020, 54% of our children.
- By 2016, the CDC reported 1 in 14 children in the US with developmental disabilities.
- There is 1600 times more glyphosate in breast milk in the US than is allowed in drinking water in Europe.
- There is 100 times more Roundup in animal feed; 1 in 2 dogs in the US and Brazil will die of cancer.
- Fertility is on the decline; 1 in 3 men and 1 in 4 women are sterile,
- 8 prescriptions of antibiotics per 10 people per year.
- Today, 1 in 2 people will be diagnosed with cancer before they die.
- 1 in 3 people in China has pre-diabetes = fat in the liver = storage of toxins.
- Many people have asthma due to the lack of biodiversity in the small intestine – gluten cannot be digested.
- In Australia, a major consumer of Roundup, Asthma is now 1 in 5 – and coral reefs are dying.
- Vaccines; doctors of modern medicine know very little about vaccines and the hundreds of products they contain. And now there is the new line with mRNA and the unknown effects it can cause.
The mental health imbalance:
- 1900 – Beginning of evidence-based medicine. 1 in 100 people with mental problems. Today 1 in 2 for depression, 1 in 3 with anxiety disorder.
- 1973: Autism, 1 in 5000 children when glyphosate hit the market; 1 in 28 today and could be 1 in 3 in 2030.
- 1 in 10 children has A.D.D.
- 1 round of antibiotics increases anxiety and depression in 12 months by 20%, 2 rounds by 50%.
- 2020: 2-year-old children with depression taking anti-depressants.
- The evolution of cancer: Depression and mood disorders – Pain disorders – Cancer.
The communication routes of the human body are cut: Isolation of cells, isolation of people, self-centeredness at an individual and worldwide level. - Autoimmune diseases = loss of self-identity = damaged immune system and the death of the microbiota.
- Opioid addiction today is very large: Heroin, the base of opioids, was patented by Bayer in 1904 …

The imbalance of the US health economy:
- The USA spends 2 billion a day on the military system.
- Spends 10 billion a day on chronic disease management; There is a sense of despair in hospitals. It will be 13 billion a day in 2025.
- Every day there is a loss of 2 billion USD due to sick employees.
- Most of the fifth generation farms are bankrupt or will be in the next few years, creating enormous social pressure.
- 8000 farms of 100 to 1000 hectares close every year, the land to be sold to companies and foreigners.
- Kansas: land 90% with transgenic corn and importing 90% of its food; 1 in 4 children are suffering from hunger.
- Banks do not understand that GMOs offer short-term profits but cause long-term damage.
The imbalance in the financial health of families, communities, governments and nations:
Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of one of Europe’s leading bankers’ families, is said to have once said, “Give me control of a nation’s money supply and I don’t care who makes the laws.”
To understand today’s economy, it is important to understand the relationship between governments, central banks and some of the most important people in the world. In the case of the United States, the monetary authority is called the Federal Reserve (Fed). In Brazil, Central Bank of Brazil (BCB).
In the United States, the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 guaranteed the world’s richest the power and control of the US money supply and ended up fulfilling Rothschild’s wish. The Central Bank of Brazil was created in 1964.
Many people do not know or understand that the Federal Reserve, like other central banks, like Brazil’s, is not a government institution or a bank nor does it have reserves. It is actually a bank cartel run by some of the most powerful men in the financial world. The creation of the Fed was basically an authorization to print currency.
The Federal Reserve was created to avoid the bankruptcy of the largest banks, ensuring that they have liquidity when facing financial problems, which in turn protects the wealthy of the rich, not the taxpayers’ money.
So where do we go from here?
Our opportunity – as consumers, farmers, businesses, governments, and beyond – is to build a new health reality for humanity, our planet, and all those creatures great and small that create the web of life that we have called home since our origin.
The answer is Regenerative Agriculture. Through fundamental changes in our approach to soil and food system management, we can revitalize this planet by reconnecting the natural carbon cycles that have long maintained balance in our soil, water and air in order for biology to thrive.
We can begin to co-create with the farmers and growers of the food we consume.
Without healthy soil, our produce not only will lack nutrients, but it will invite chemicals into our own biology and ecosystem. These chemicals will continue to break down the cornerstone of our health – our immune system – if we let them.
There are also other ways to be proactive about your health. Small changes today can help you strengthen your microbiome, take action to decrease your exposure to pesticides, and increase your connection to mother nature:
Diversify your exposure to different outdoor environments as much as possible. Seek diversity in your day and breathe in new ecosystems. Your microbiome is an extension of your greater ecosystem that you interact with each day. The more you adventure, the deeper your health will root.
Food grown using Regenerative Agriculture practices provides the optimal environment for nutrient-rich, healthy food to grow. Seek out farmers and restaurants in your area who use Regenerative practices or source from Regenerative farms, and take a look at your pantry to really determine what is contributing or degrading your microbiome. Our non-profit, Farmers Footprint, has begun publishing a list of regenerative farms in the US that may be a great place to start your journey.
The third largest crop grown in the US, at 40 million acres, is lawn grass. This monoculture grass is fed enormous amounts of chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, making our yards, the school yards, soccer fields, parks, and golf courses some of the most toxic acreage in the US. Learn to eliminate all chemical inputs with the Non-Toxic Neighborhoods Project at Farmer’s Footprint (www.farmersfootprint.us)
When you diversify your diet with nutrient dense organic foods you are strengthening your microbiome. The closer your plate is to the garden the better! Organic CSA and farmers market resources are a go to when your own backyard is not producing. The daily addition of a few bites of wild fermented foods and eating local fruits and vegetables in their appropriate season, and growing your own food are great ways to diversify your inner ecology.
Soil health is arguably the most important element impacting our health, the health of future generations, and the health of this planet we call home. Join the Regen Revolution.