1. Have faith.
In the future, in our health, in the ability of body, mind and spirit. And in Unconditional Love. Love is the great physician. We create what we think. Meditate & pray. Look for the silence in nature and in your heart. Look inside. Eckhart Tolle, Joe Dispensa, Bruce Lipton.
2. Choose the best teachers.
If you want to become good at tennis, you choose the best coaches and start doing so long before you reach the top. With health it is like that too.
Hippocrates & Vitalism, Zach Bush, Jaime Bruning, Lair Ribeiro, Dr. Joel Wallach, Leonard Coldwell, Hulda Clark, Ryke Geert Hamer, Bill Schnoebelen, Andreas Moritz, Tullio Simoncini. Amongst others…
3. Study and take good care of your microbiome.
There are trillions of micro-organisms living on and in the human body, 95% in the gut. Millions of varieties that live in symbioses. They are directly responsible for our physical and mental health. Learn about how 25% of the population in the USA now has perforated bowel syndrome. Zach Bush.
4. Detoxify and deparasite your body:
Eliminate imbalances in the micro-biome caused by parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungi, plasmodium’s, prions, rickettsia’s, heavy metals, poisons etc. Use Zeólita-Сlinoptilolita, CDS, DMSO, Ozônio, clay, carbon, sauna, medicinal plants, organic plants, supplements, fasting (total) etc.
If you have side effects from SARS-CoV-2 and/or injections (“vaccines”), check out “The Antidote” – Brian Ardis.
Medicinal plants heal the causes of disease softly, safe, cause no side effects and never damage or paralyze any organs. Intestinal rinse with medicinal plants or organic coffee; cleanse the blood, intestine, pancreas and contaminated liver.
Check your teeth and rootcanals for infecions. Many diseases result from these infections.
5. Drink and shower with pure, structured water. H3O2, the liquid crystal.
Nothing too cold or too hot; there are more than 24 thousand chemicals in the “drinking water” of big cities. Contaminated water, contaminated soil, decaying civilization.
Gerald Pollack, Victor Schauberger.
6. Energize.
Charge at least 20 minutes of sunshine every day on the entire body. We need 20,000 IU of vitamin D3 a day. Use Deep Infrared light baths. Deficiency of the vitamin D3 hormone causes more than 200 symptoms.
7. Nourish yourself with living nutrient dense organic food, directly from your local farms. Raw when possible.
“We need 90 essential and pure nutrients every day” – Joel Wallach.
60 Minerals: Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, Sulfur, Cobalt, Copper, Chrome, Aluminum, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Boron, Bromine, Carbon, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Selenium, Zinc, Cerium, Cesium, Erbium,, Euromium, Gadolinium, Gallium, Germanium, Gold, Hafnium, Holmium, Hydrogen, Lanthanum, Lithium, Lutetium, Molybdenum, Neodymium, Nickel, Niobium, Oxygen, Praseodymium, Rhenium, Rubidium, Samarium, Strontium, Tantalum, Terbium, Tullium, Tin, Titanium, Vanadium, Ytterbium, Yttrium, Zirconium.
16 Vitamins: Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Biotin, Hill, Flavonoids (Bioflavonoids), Folic Acid, Inositol.
12 Amino Acids: Valine, Lysine, Threonine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Tryptophan, Phenylalanine, Methionine, Histidine, Arginine, Taurine, Tyrosine.
3 Essential Fatty Acids: Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9.
In 1960, farmer kids were the healthiest; In 2020 the sickest and high levels of birth defects. In 1960, 4% of the population with chronic disease; In 2020 – 52% of our kids.
8. Chew well, eat less, and do not drink during meals.
Avoid mixing too many foods in one meal, making digestion more complicated. We can chew our drinks and drink our food. Making just two meals a day is the best insurance against illness. More raw, less cooked food. Drink the vegetables and eat the fruits. Avoid dead and reheated food.
9. Breathe properly and through your nose.
4 Seconds inhaling, 8 holding, 8 releasing. “Pure air is not only the first of the foods, but also the first of the medicines.” Watch “Free the mind” (documentary). We can live 40 days without food, 10 days without water, 3 minutes without air. Alkaline tissues can hold up to 20 times more oxygen than acidic ones. Lack of oxygen in the body is the root cause of thousands of maladies, including pain and inflammation. Diseases thrive in oxygen poor environments. Humans need oxygen to provide nutrients and energy to all of the cells in their bodies. Most “diseases” cannot survive in an oxygen rich environment.
10. Sleep earlier, more and in complete darkness.
The body, mind and spirit need rest in order to connect. Melatonin production depends on it. Try to be in bed by 22:00.
11. Manage stress and share your problems with someone you trust.
We cannot have a healthy body with an angry and depressed mind feeling fear, revenge etc. Usually it is the lack of love, of affection, of valorization. Happy people rarely get sick. Emotional wounds cause physical disorders. Fundamental to health is to enjoy ourselves. Endorphine = joy; adrenaline and cortisol = fear.
“Disease is born in the soul, feeds on the mind and grows in the body.” Do not underestimate the consequences of unemployment, insecurity, violence, and injustice. In 1900 we see the beginning of evidence based medicine with 1 in 100 with mental problems. Today 1 in 2 for depression, 1 in 3 with anxiety disorder.
12. Walk, stretch and ground your body.
Walk daily or weekly barefoot with other people (family, friends, colleagues etc.) in nature (forests, mountains, beaches, etc.) Your skin is a Faraday cage and protects you from radiation, wifi, cell towers etc. when properly grounded. The body has more than 640 muscles; yoga, the five Tibetan rites, sports.
13. Avoid GMO’s, glyphosate and chemical products in general.
Today there are herbicides, poisons, pesticides, hormones and antibiotics in chemical medicines, food, water, the soil, cleaning products etc. They greatly damage the body and the planet and cause “leaky gut, kidney and brain syndrome” (already in 25% of the population) and hundreds of other symptoms because they damage the microbiome, resulting in gluten intolerance, toxins/fat in the liver, infertility, autism, autoimmune diseases, asthma etc.
The maps of the use of glyphosate (patented an antibiotic) and the maps of the levels of cancer, asthma, autism, Alzheimer, overlap perfectly, worldwide. Autism 1:5000 when glyphosate came to market in ‘73, 1:30 today,1:3 in 2030.
Declining fertility; Today 1 in 3 men, 1 in 4 women between 15 and 45 are sterile.
14. Avoid antibiotics.
In the US there are now 8 antibiotic prescriptions per 10 people per year. The kill randomly part of the microbiome and the immune system.
1 course of antibiotics increases anxiety and depression over 12 months by 20%, 2 courses by 50%. There are 2 year old kids with depression.
15. Avoid industrialized and pasteurized products of animal origin.
Processed milk, cheese, meat, chicken, fish etc., especially from factory-farms. Many are heavily contaminated with toxins and microorganisms. “What the Health ?” “Cowspiracy”.
16. Avoid processed foods with thousands of chemical food additives:
Wheat, white bread, alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, sugar and other foods that cause addiction, contaminate and acidify blood and damage the immune system. . Hulda Clark, Johanna Budwig, Rudolf Breus, Manfred von Ardenne, Kip Andersen, Stephanie Seneff.
17. Study the disease industry and nutrition.
“Blue Zones”, “What the Health?”, “Cowspiracy”, “Cancer and the forbidden cures”, “Life without disease”, “Food Matters”, “Food Choices”, “The Game Changers”
18. Study the Brazilian site of Jaime Bruning.
www.jaimebruning.com.br “Health comes from Nature”.
Most illnesses and their cures in one place.
19. Check what is in the vaccines and medicines. Read and understand the leaflets.
Many have more than a hundred ingredients, including genetic material of humans and animals, heavy metals etc. Check the site of the manufacturer. Stephanie Seneff.
20. Check what is living in your teeth and fillings.
Many diseases start in the microbiome of our mouths. Check the work of Hulda Clark.
21. Learn about ozone therapy.
Helps to avoid and cure more than 260 serious diseases. Robert Rowen, Howard Robins
22. Check for and avoid radiation, especially in your bedroom.
Cell phones, cellular towers, wifi routers, micro waves and hospital machines that use radiation. Check the place where you work and sleep; radiation greatly weakens the immune system. Study the Kovacsik Method.
23. Learn about pH, CBD, MMS / CDS, DMSO, glutathione.
There are many protocols for each specific symptom. Study the Gerson protocol and others. There are many, many protocols for the reconstruction of the immune system. www.cancertutor.com is a good starting point.
24. Avoid sunscreen and sunglasses, avoid make-up and painting hair.
What you cannot eat, do not put on the skin. Pineal gland analyzes frequency and intensity of living light.
25. Do self-analysis.
How is your sleep, disposition, appetite, thirst, pain, numbness, memory, mental clarity, cramp, migraine, weight, intestine etc? Use diagnose-techniques like bio-health, ortho-molecular, live blood analysis / nutritional microscopy, Kirlian, Vedapulse, bio-resonance etc. to discover more about your health.
26. Use Organic & Whole Foods, Sprouting, Juicing & Fermentation.
- Sprouts can contain up to 100 times more enzymes than raw fruits and vegetables, allowing your body to extract more vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fats from the food you eat.
- Juicing not only helps you consume more nutrients, it also helps to absorb the nutrients they contain. Juicing will help “pre-digest” the vegetables for you, so you will receive most of the nutrition, rather than leaving it in the toilet. (Carrot, apple – Gerson Institute)
- Fermented foods support the beneficial bacteria in your gut, which helps with the absorption of minerals and plays a role in the production of nutrients such as B vitamins and vitamin K2.
27. Use the orgonic vital energy accumulator.
And check out Wilhelm Reich‘s work.
28. Learn about non-violent-communication (NVC) and empathy.
Help others and learn to forgive. Marshall Rosenberg, Charles Eisenstein.
The daily use of supplements like Magnesium, Boron & Iodine.
Soil, fruits, vegetables and most foods have nutritional deficiencies. The immune system of the soil, the planet and our bodies is being damaged as a result. This is the reason for the large number of symptoms in the environment and in the human body today.
Magnesium chloride:
- It helps to purify the blood and balance the PH of the body.
- Eliminates accumulated acid in the kidneys and helps in the perfect functioning of the renal system.
- Stimulates celebratory functions and nerve impulses.
- Helps prevent and combat muscle injuries, cramps, fatigue and muscle fatigue.
- Help in the cardiovascular system.
- Controls cholesterol levels, improves blood circulation.
- Combats depression, motion sickness, and maintains normal body temperature.
- Strengthens the heart muscles.
- Balances the nervous system, essential in cases of stress, depression, anxiety.
- Helps you sleep better.
- Helps to create collagen, essential for the skeleton, tendons and cartilage.
- Slows down prostatic inflammation.
- Relieves pain.
- Helps to absorb and fix calcium in cases of osteoporosis, cavities etc.
- Increases the excretion of insulin facilitating sugar metabolism.
- Helps control cases of asthma and bronchitis.
- Reduces epileptic attacks.
Boric acid – Borax:
- Prevents and helps in healing of arthritis.
- Reduces the severity of rheumatoid arthritis.
- Increased muscle.
- Improves brain function and cognitive performance.
- Helps in the metabolism of minerals that are involved in bone development, such as calcium, magnesium and copper.
- Ensures adequate embryonic development.
- Helps in the production of estrogen.
- Prevents postmenopausal osteoporosis.
- Helps maintain proper cell membrane function.
- Helps prevent blood clots.
- Reduces the conditions of congestive heart failure.
- Reduces plasma lipid levels.
- Decrease the severity of fungal infections.
- Formation of healthy and shiny skin, teeth and hair.
- Helps in normal growth and maturity of reproductive organs.
- It prevents stillbirths or cognitive conditions such as cretinism of infants and helps in the development of speech and hearing in infants.
- Significantly reduces conditions such as fibrosis turgidity and breast tenderness.
- Ensures apoptosis or programmed cell death, which is essential in the formation of new organs, as well as in the removal of malignant cells and diseased cells.
- Anti-cancer properties.
- Eliminate chemical toxins in the body such as lead, fluoride, mercury, etc. in addition to biological toxins and can strengthen the immune system.
- Prevents the proliferation of harmful bacteria in the stomach.
- Iodine deficiency is the basic cause of Goitre (enlarged thyroid gland).
Learn about the properties and effects of Ozone Therapy:
- Antiviral, antifungal, antimicrobial. Inactivates viruses, bacteria, fungi and all sick cells.
- Applied correctly, there are no side effects.
- No need for expensive diagnoses.
- Cures more than 260 serious diseases.
- Activates the immune system and increases protection with antioxidants.
- Highly effective in peripheral vascular problems. So people with gangrene or diabetic ulcers have no need for amputation of the affected limb.
- Combats cardiovascular problems, atherosclerosis, relieves angina pain and improves blood circulation.
- Improves diabetes because it normalizes blood glucose.
- Cancer tumors, lymphomas and leukemia can be eliminated with ozone without the need for surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
- Effective in all forms of rheumatoid arthritis.
- Effective for all types of allergy.
- Reverses the aging process and improves multiple sclerosis, loss of brain function in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and other neurological diseases.
- Topical and external use is very effective for acne, burns, leg ulcers, wounds, eczema and other skin problems. Accelerate healing.
- Ozone rectal inflation works for colitis, proctitis, prostatitis, candidiasis and anal fissure.
- Vaginal insufflation treats candidiasis and various forms of vaginitis.
- Bladder insufflation is effective for bladder cystitis and fistulas.
- Herpes, mononucleosis hepatitis, AIDS and cirrhosis are successfully treated using ozone without the use of other medications.
- Reduces and even eliminates many cases of chronic pain through action on pain receptors.
- The chances of being contaminated with hepatitis, AIDS, syphilis and other infections through blood transfusion can be eliminated with ozone.
Ozonized oils for treating:
- Acne, cuts, wounds, varicose ulcers, bruises.
- Wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite, flaccidity, blemishes, redness.
- Athlete’s foot.
- Cracked lips.
- Dandruff and other conditions of the scalp.
- Diaper rash.
- Use as a deodorant.
- Hemorrhoids and fissures.