Essential Plants

  • Avocado (Persea gratissima) – combats arthritis, eliminates kidney and liver stones, is diuretic. Use the dry leaves. Contraindication: heart palpitation, low blood pressure. Its toxicity is minimal. Its healing power is 33%.
  • Pineapple (Ananas sativus) – is clear of the liver and digestive, helps to cure sore throats and bronchitis, combat constipation. Contraindication: colitis, acidity of the stomach, thrush. Its toxicity is zero. Its healing power is 38%.
  • Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) – the seeds are vermifuge, including to eliminate solitary mixed with sugar and fasting milk. With the juice of the leaves and flowers it treats inflammations of the ear, prostate, erysipelas, burns, kidney and bladder problems. It has no contraindication or toxicity. Its healing power is 21%.
  • Turmeric (Curcuma longa) – is digestive, diuretic, soothing, fighting cramps, it is good for the kidneys and bladder. It should be avoided by people who have high blood pressure, heart problems and loose urine. Its toxicity is minimal. Its healing power is 26%.
  • Açaita horse (Luehea divaricata) – fighting colds, coughs, blood cramps, insomnia, dysentery, the bark is depurative as well as leaves. It is contraindicated for those who have low blood pressure. Its toxicity is low and its healing power as well, 24%.
  • Watercress (Sizymbrium) – eating and drinking tea is good for rheumatism, lungs, kidneys and liver and helps eliminate your stones, cleanses the blood. Contraindications: pregnancy, colitis. Its toxicity is zero. Its healing power is 36%.
  • Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) – is great for liver, gallbladder, digestion, eliminates uric acid, is strong diuretic, fights rheumatism. It is contraindicated for those who have loose urine. Its toxicity is minimal. Its healing power is 47%, excellent.
  • Alfalfa (Mendicago sativa) – combat anemia, loose urine, it is soothing of the nerves, it is restorative, it opens the appetite, it fights appendicitis. It should be avoided by those who have high blood pressure. Its healing power is 35%.
  • Alfavaca (Occimum canum) – is diuretic, stimulating, serves for gargling in the canker sores, fighting anginas, kidney sand, increases pressure, combat dizziness, improves digestion. It should be avoided by those who have loose urine. Its healing power is 23%.
  • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) – is a cardiac tonic, fights intestinal gas, indigestion, nervousness, irregular and difficult menses and is indicated for liver and intestines. It should be avoided by those with low blood pressure. Its toxicity is minimal and its curative power is 28%.
  • Rosemary of the field (Baccharis dracunculifolia) – combat bronchitis, flu, throat problems, herpes. It has 42% healing power.
  • Garlic (Allium sativum) – bronchitis, influenza, lowers pressure (used in tincture), fights diabetes, fever, worms taken with milk or lemon. It should be avoided by those who have kidney disease, low blood pressure, ulcers, gastritis, colitis. Its toxicity is minimal and its curative power is 46%.
  • Amoreira (Marus alba) – there are black, white and red. The whiteberry is used in the menopause, it fights throat inflammations and tonsils, used in the form of gargarejos. Lower the pressure. It should be avoided by those who have low blood pressure, gastritis and ulcer. Its toxicity is low and its curative power is medium, 35%.
  • Angélica-dos-jardins (Angélica archangelica) – digestive, combat cramps, bronchitis, throat, lung and liver diseases, kidneys, and bladder, convulsions, cramps and colic. It should be avoided by people who have high blood pressure and heart problems. Its curative power is 34%. Its toxicity is low.
  • Angico (Piptadenia colubrina) – peeling tea combats diarrhea, dysentery and angina, is large depurative, combat gonorrhea. It should be avoided by those who have heart problems and low blood pressure. Its toxicity is low. Its healing power is 32%. Araçá (Psidium cattleianum) – roots, barks and leaves are used to combat diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhages, heart and urinary problems. Its healing power is 17%. Its toxicity is minimal.
  • Arruda (Ruta graveolens) – combats worms, kills lice, juice placed on the ear combats tinnitus, eliminates intestinal gas, combats toothache and headaches. It should be avoided in pregnancy, heart palpitations and low blood pressure. Can only be used for 10 days internally. Its toxicity is high and its healing power is low, 16%.
  • Artemisia (Artemisia vulgaris) – fighting worms, gas, anemia, general weakness, liver diseases, uterine conditions, calms the nerves. It should be avoided by those with stones and sand in the kidneys. Its toxicity is minimal and its curative power is 22%.
  • Assa-fish (Vernonia polyanthes) – combat cough, asthma, stitches in the chest, flu, affections of the uterus, bruises. It should be avoided by those who have ulcers and gastritis. Its healing power is 35% and its toxicity is low.
  • Oats (Avena sativa) – is fortifying for children and the elderly, it is recommended for diseases of the urinary tract. It is ideal food for those suffering from low blood pressure. It should be avoided by people who have high blood pressure, colitis, obesity and allergy. Its healing power is 33%.
  • Avenca (Adiantum capillus) – combat pulmonary catarrh, coughs, bronchitis, diarrhea, dysentery, influenza and baldness. It should be avoided by those who have constipation and urine. Its toxicity is low, as well as its curative power, 14%;
  • Aloe Vera (Aloe vera) – serves to apply on the hemorrhoids, on burns, wounds, to mature tumors by applying on them. Internally it fights constipation and helps in fighting cancer, mixed with honey. It should be avoided for internal use by those who have colitis and hemorrhoids, it can only be used internally for 15 days. Its toxicity is high and its healing power as well, 46%.
  • Whalebone (Cordia verbenacea) – is indicated in menopause, in rheumatism, to combat pain externally in the form of extracts or dyes, to wash wounds. It should be avoided by people who have low blood pressure, weak stomach and liver. Its toxicity is average. Its healing power is 35%.
  • Banana tree (Musa paradisiaca) – is good leaf antibiotic; the navel of the tip of the bunch serves to make syrup for bronchitis and asthma. Trunk juice is contravene and indicated to combat jaundice. Its toxicity is low and its healing power is high, 46%.
  • Barbatimão (Stryphnodendrum adstringens) – is astringent, indicated to fight ulcers, hemorrhoids, fibroids, skin diseases such as impigens and herpes (lavage with tea), leucorrhea, hemorrhages of the uterus, gonorrhea, is special for women, bark Great for washing wounds, herpes and burns. It should be avoided by those who have constipation. Its toxicity is average, its curative power is 34%.
  • Burdock (Arctium lappa) – is digestive, diuretic, combats skin diseases, lung problems, syphilitic wounds, stomach congestions very effectively. It should be avoided by people with low blood pressure. Its toxicity is minimal. Its healing power is 37%.
  • Potato (Solanum tuberosum) – her juice taken before meals fights heartburn; helps heal stomach ulcers and gastritis. Grate and apply on abscesses, on poisonous stings, burns. It has 38% curative power and is well tolerated by all.
  • Beet (Beta vulgaris) – fighting anemias, leaf tea eliminates kidney stones, is good for the liver, kidneys and spleen. It should be avoided by diabetics and those who have high blood pressure. Its curative power is 34%.
  • Boldo-do-Brasil (Coleus barbatus) – is also known as large and large Boldo. Serves to fight intestinal, stomach, liver, high blood pressure, headache. It should be avoided by those who have colitis, ulcers and low blood pressure. Its toxicity is high so tea should be weak and briefly. Its healing power is 36%.
  • Hair of corn (Zea mays) – it is diuretic, it fights affections of the bladder and the kidneys, cystitis, sands, pains to urinate, albuminúria. It should be avoided by those who have loose urine. Its toxicity is minimal. Its healing power is 22%.
  • Coffee (Coffea arabica) – the fruit is tonic and stimulant of the brain, causes dependence because of caffeine; combat drunkenness, asthma, cough, poor digestion. It should be avoided by those who have high blood pressure, uric acid, colitis, ulcer and gastritis. Its toxicity is average. Its healing power is 31%.
  • Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) – Juice combats weakness in general, is diuretic, the bark fights diabetes, is aphrodisiac; the juice of the leaves serves for gargling, is genital tonic. It should be avoided by those who have loose urine. Its toxicity is minimal. Its healing power is 33%.
  • Marigold (Calendula officinalis) – is great for all types of allergies, prevents abortion, fighting colitis, gas, intestinal cramps, gastritis, expectorant, fighting cysts, tumors and warts, great for washing wounds and allergies, herpes wash), to use in ointments and soaps to combat skin diseases. It has no side effects. Its curative power is 42%.
  • Chamomile Chamomile – is digestive, fights gas, stomach weakness, poor digestion, lack of appetite, diseases of the uterus and ovaries. It should be avoided by those who have high blood pressure. Its healing power is only 16%.
  • Cane bream (Costus spiralis) – is diuretic, sudorific, combat syphilis and stones in the bladder, used in the absence of rules, combat anemia, sand in the kidneys. It should be avoided by people who have high blood pressure and loose urine. Its healing power is 38%, its toxicity is zero.
  • Indian cane (Costus spicatus) – has similar properties to the previous one.
  • Sugarcane (Saccarum officinalis) – is tonic, maintains muscular strength, molasses is recommended to combat anemia and weakness of the heart. Leaf tea lowers the pressure. It should be avoided by diabetics and those with low blood pressure. Its healing power is 15%.
  • Cancerosa, Cancorosa (Maytenus ilicifolia) – has the properties of Espinheira-santa.
  • Lemongrass (Cymbopogom) – it is soothing, it makes sweating, it fights intestinal gases, urinary disturbances, hysteria, but taking it very often weakens the person. It should be avoided by people with low blood pressure. It has only 14% healing power.
  • Kaki (Diospyros persimmon) – the fruit is rich in vitamin C and iron. Fight anemia. The leaf tea awakens sleep. Contraindication: diabetes, diarrhea. Its healing power is 21%.
  • Caroba (Jacaranda micrantha) – is a tree of great healing value, especially as a purifying blood. Combats skin diseases like syphilis, great for washing wounds, fighting high blood pressure, is diuretic, fighting amoebas of the intestine, combats rheumatism. It should be avoided by people with low blood pressure. Its toxicity is minimal. Its healing power is 44%.
  • Carobinha-do-campo (Jacaranda Peteroides) – is the family of carobas, but creepy and typical of the Cerrados, with powerful healing power. Combat allergies, maldigestion, tonsillitis, colds, epilepsy, improves circulation, fights cirrhosis, sores, syphilis, herpes, diabetes, tetanus, tuberculosis, malaria, colitis, etc. There is no contraindication or toxicity. Its healing power at the root is 57% very powerful. In the leaves it is 50%.
  • Carqueja (Baccharis trimera) – is unobstructed from the liver, combats fevers, anemia, intestinal weakness and loss of blood, is optimal against diabetes. It should be avoided by those who are very thin, those who have low blood pressure, who have loose urine, colitis, diarrhea. Its toxicity is minimal. Its curative power is 43%.
  • Catuaba (Erythroxilon catuaba) – improves sexual potency, memory, stimulates appetite, strengthens nerves and fights weaknesses. It should be avoided by anyone with high blood pressure and heart problems. It has 37% healing power.
  • Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) – is a precious vegetable for the urinary tract, fighting tuberculosis, prostatitis, colitis, helps to eliminate kidney stones, combats incontinence of the urine, gastritis, ulcers of the stomach and intestine, contains a lot of silica, it is remineralizing. It is well tolerated by all. Its curative power is 48%.
  • Onion (Alium cepa) – is good food and very medicinal. It is antidote, fights fever, improves throat conditions by applying it, fights constipation, cough, bronchitis and catarrh, is good for diabetics, opens the appetite, fights heart disease, detoxifies the liver when raw food. It should be avoided by those with weak stomach, gastritis, ulcers, colitis, cystitis, uric acid, and serious kidney problems. Its toxicity is minimal. Its healing power is 33%.
  • Tea-bugre, Graçatonga (Casearia silvestris) – is diuretic, lowers blood pressure, fortifies the heart, fights herpes simplex, herpes zoster, improves circulation, fights rheumatism, avoids arteriosclerosis, fights syphilis, poisonous stings and poisonous bites, in these cases take and apply the tea on the spot. Your tea should be avoided by those with low blood pressure, thinness, loose urine. Its curative power is 43%.
  • Leather Hat (Echinodorus grandi) – is indicated against skin ailments, rheumatism, uric acid, gout, syphilis, good for kidneys and bladder, it is depurative of the blood and helps lower the pressure. Prevents arteriosclerosis, combats herpes simplex. It is not recommended for those who have low blood pressure and is thin. Healing power 48%, without toxicity.
  • Cipó-açougue or Azougue (Apodanthera smilacifolia) – great for those who have loose urine, enuresis, rheumatism, is depurative, fights skin diseases, bone pain, herpes and AIDS, scabies. It is contraindicated for anyone with urine prey and high blood pressure. Its healing power in the vine is 47%.
  • Ladder ladder or Bauhinia splends – its leaves and barks are used to wash all sorts of wounds and ulcers and also to fight against the dandruff. Its tea is diuretic and beneficial for kidneys and bladder. Combats rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis, disc hernias, syphilis. Its healing power is 41%. Its toxicity is 1%. Its only contraindication is for those who have loose urine.
  • Cipó-insulin (Cissus Cissyoides) – combats allergy, diabetes, arthritis, gout, renal calculus, colds, sore-throat, joint pain, migraines, improves immunity, is antibiotic, combats syphilis, sinusitis, etc. It has 44% healing power. It is contraindicated for colitis. It has low toxicity.
  • Cipó-mil-hombres (Aristolochia triangularis) – has many varieties, is the most curative plants that exist and I consider it the best vermifuge, including to eliminate solitary from any part of the body. It is also known as Cassaú or Jarrinha. It is great for eliminating resistant viruses such as HIV, herpes of all kinds, gonorrhea, epilepsy, fighting infections, fevers, syphilis, depression, neuralgia, causes sweating and makes menses come abound. It opens the appetite, fights heavy digestions, deflates the testicles. But the most important thing is that this strong tea, mixed with clay and applied for 20 to 40 days eliminate tumors, cysts, fibroids and cancer. Apply for 3 hours or overnight at a thickness of one-half to one centimeter.
  • Contraindications: It has high toxicity, so it should not be used for more than 20 to 30 days and should be avoided by those who have serious heart problems, especially tachycardia. The obese also should avoid it because it increases the appetite. In strong doses it is abortive. In severe liver problems should be avoided as well as at very high pressure. Children and young people generally tolerate it very well. Its curative power is high, 48% in vines.
  • Cipó-são-joão (Pyrostegia venustato) – regulates menses, it is soothing, it fights vitiligo and white patches on the skin, it is good for vaginal washes, the flower extracts an oil to beautify the skin. Not recommended for liver problems. Its curative power is 42%. Its toxicity is low.
  • Cipó-suma (Anchieta salutaris) – excellent cleansing, good for skin diseases (taking and washing), fighting herpes, spots on the face, pain in the face, it has a quick effect on the dry and moist eczema in children. It improves immunity, so it’s good to toast a little, reduce dust and mix in children’s food, this also fights anemia well. There is no contraindication. It has 48% healing power.
  • Coco-da-bahia (Cocos nucifera) – its oily juice is vermifuge. Coconut butter is good for cracked lips. The water of the green fruit cures the hydrops. Eating the fruit all day eliminates solitary, also fights anemia. Its healing power is 23%, it has no toxicity. It is contraindicated for diarrhea and dysentery.
  • Friar’s cord (Leonotis nepetaefolia) – is a wonderful plant to combat migraines associated with quina or lipo-mil-men. Combat rheumatisms, body aches, is stimulant, diuretic, combat bleeding, asthma, stomach upset, is antibiotic. Its curative power is 49%, very high, therefore. Its toxicity is very low. There is no contraindication.
  • (Mucuna altissima) – is good to avoid and remove the defects of the spill, but it is highly toxic, so you can only use one gram of the seed per day, this corresponds more or less to one knife edge or a slight pinch. Pour boiling water, leave for 10 min. strain and gradually take a cup a day of tea. It is contraindicated for heart and kidney problems. Its healing power is only 18%, but its toxicity reaches 40%.
  • Crajiru, Pariri (Arrabidaea chica) – is plant with very high healing power reaches 60% and without any contraindication. Its toxicity is low. Combats herpes and infections, ulcers, gastritis, anemia and prostatitis. You can use the whole plant. It is great for washing skin conditions, psoriasis, burns, herpes etc.
  • Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) – juice and seed fight worms, respiratory conditions and anemia. Your juice is very good before meals to combat the addiction of alcoholism, taken in fasting facilitates the healing of ulcers in the stomach, its juice taken relieves hemorrhoids.
  • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) – is cleansing, good for the liver and for the skin, it opens the appetite, it fights the constipation. Its juice taken with water is advantageous fortifying the nerves. Stimulates the gallbladder. It is contraindicated for low blood pressure. No toxicity. The healing power is 37%.
  • Douradinha-do-campo (Palicurea rigida) – is diuretic in the difficulties of urinating, good for inflammation of the bladder and eliminates the calculations. Combats allergies, eczema and edema. Plant without any toxicity. Its healing power is 42%.
  • Embaúba or Umbaúba (Cecropia) – causes a lot of urine, calms the heart in tachycardias, pertussis combat, cough, flu, asthma, making syrup from its leaves. It tones the heart and regulates its beats. It is contraindicated in the case of loose urine. It has medium toxicity and 32% healing power.
  • Weedworm (Olygonum persicaria) – also known as watercress. It is special for combating hemorrhoids, gastric bleeding, varicose veins, it is aperient, also in the lack of menstruation. It is good for doing vaginal washes, clisteres. It is contraindicated for colitis, liver problems. Its toxicity is low, its healing power is 32%.
  • Santa-maria (Chenopodium ambrosioides) – is a powerful vermifuge. Combat nervous diseases, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, pains, indigestion, ringing in the ears, juice cures blemishes of the lungs, facilitates menses. It has high toxicity, so adults can only take it for 8 days and children for 5 days only. It is contraindicated for heart problems, palpitations, weak stomach, liver problems, pregnancy. Its toxicity reaches 10%. Its healing power is 35%.
  • It is great in any embarrassment of the stomach, congestion, combat intestinal flu, diarrhea, good for washing wounds, in the erysipelas, skin diseases, it is diuretic, combat high pressure, hemorrhoids, eliminates dehydration fast. Combats varicose veins, internal and external inflammations. It is contraindicated for those who have low blood pressure, constipation, colitis, insomnia. Its toxicity is high. The healing power is 23%.
  • Espinheira-santa (Maytenus aquifolia) – is a plant of great medicinal value, especially for gastrointestinal problems like ulcers and gastrites, constipation, it is depurative, fights uric acid, is good for the kidneys, good for affections of the skin assists in curing cancer. It is contraindicated in breastfeeding because it decreases milk. Its healing power is high, 48% in the leaves.
  • (Lepidium bonariensis) – excellent plant to fight diabetes and liver problems, hepatitis, it is great depurative, it opens the appetite and it is digestive, it fights the constipation. It is contraindicated for colitis. Its toxicity is medium and the cure power is high, 44%.
  • Figatil, Boldo-Goiano (Vernonia condensata) – is very good for liver and gallbladder problems, headache, poor digestion. It is contraindicated in cases of colitis, hemorrhoids, heart problems, low blood pressure, diarrhea and in pregnancy. It has high toxicity. Its healing power is low, only 19%.
  • Fruit of monkey (Posoqueria acutifolia) – tree, excellent vermifuge, can use any part of the tree. Bacterial, combating colitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, herpes of all kinds and rickettsia. It has up to 50% healing power in the trunk. No contraindications.
  • Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) – is similar to fennel, anise. It opens the appetite, it is digestive, it fights gases, it fights affections of the urinary tract, its root is diuretic and it increases the milk of the mothers. It is contraindicated for high blood pressure. Its healing power is only 15%.
  • Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) – Combats inflammations and infections of throat, flu, low blood pressure, gas, intestinal cramps, coughs, bronchitis, improves the voice. It is contraindicated for high blood pressure, heartburn, gastritis, weak stomach, hemorrhoids. Its toxicity is average. Its healing power is average, 29%.
  • Sesame (Sesanum indicum) – its oil is very nutritious, it fights constipation, it is tonic to the nerves, and used to pass in the places of rheumatism. Roasted seed is excellent food, very rich in protein. It is contraindicated for pregnant women, for the obese. Its curative power is 48%.
  • Gervão (Verbena bonariensis) – is a great plant for liver problems in general, for digestion, fighting constipation, is diuretic, facilitates menstruation, is tonic, stimulant. Its toxicity is very low, it is well tolerated by all. Its healing power is high, 46%.
  • Sunflower (Helianthus annus) – seeds are widely used in cases of rheumatism, colds, nose bleeds, stomach pains, heart problems, malaria combat, fevers, strengthens the nervous system. Its curative power is 48%.
  • Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo biloba) – is great for circulation, especially in the capillaries of the head, improves memory, along with the field carina makes the labyrinthitis disappear quickly, it tunes the blood, so it should be avoided by hemophiliacs , and who has hemorrhages and hemorrhoids. It has no toxicity. Its healing power is very high, 54%.
  • Goiabeira (Psidium guajava) – its leaves and barks combat diarrhea, its fruits combat bronchitis and cough, it is effective in gargling and for vaginal washes. It is contraindicated for those who have constipation. Its toxicity is average. Its healing power is average, 32%.
  • Graviola (Annona muricata) – is great plant to fight cancer, use tea leaves. It fights against cholesterol and high blood pressure, it is also recommended for diabetes. Its fruits are much appreciated for juices. It is contraindicated for those who have digestive problems, very low blood pressure and heartburn. Its tea along with the bark of purple Ipe is unbeatable in curing cancer. Its toxicity is only 0.2%. Its healing power too high, 58%.
  • Guaco (Mikania guaco) – gives excellent cough and flu syrup, combats rheumatism, albuminuria, neuralgia, is indicated against snake bite, is healing and soothing in general. It is contraindicated for diarrhea. Its toxicity is low. Its healing power is 38%.
  • Mint (Menta crispa) – is stimulating, tonic, digestive, vermifuge, combat constipation, soothing. There is no contraindication or toxicity. Its healing power is 33%.
  • Ipê-purple (Tabebuia avellanedae) – great for the internal mucous membranes in cases of gastritis, ulcers, colitis, for diseases of the uterus and ovaries, combat skin itches, syphilis, herpes, cancer and is depurative. It is contraindicated for constipation. It has no toxicity. Its healing power in the bark is high, 45%.
  • Jambolão (Sygysium jambolanum) – is antibiotic, very indicated to combat diabetes, AIDS, raises immunity, hemorrhages, dysenteries. Seeds and roots can also be used to combat constipation and pulmonary catarrh. It has no contraindication, its toxicity is low, and its healing power is 50%, therefore very high.
  • Jambu, Parsley (Spilanthes oleracea) – is for gastritis and ulcers, it is powerful vermifuge, even to eliminate solitary, eliminates bacteria. It causes salivation, combats scurvy and anemia. It is contraindicated for heart problems. Its toxicity is low. Its healing power is low, 26%.
  • Jatobá (Hymenaea courbari) – the bark and leaves are used for prostate problems, lungs, combat diarrhea and dysentery, colic and vomiting of blood. It is contraindicated for high blood pressure, kidney problems (stones and sand), its toxicity is low. Its healing power is 20%.
  • Jabuticabeira (Myrciaria trunciflora) – the fruit, the jabuticaba is delicious, but it binds the intestine, so it fights diarrhea and dysentery, as it is very astringent. Good for gargling for throat inflammations and tonsils, leaf tea. It is contraindicated for those who have constipation. Its toxicity is low. Its healing power is only 16%.
  • Jurubeba (Solanum paniculatum) – is a stimulant of bile secretion, used as a treatment of the liver, spleen and catarrh of the bladder. It improves male sexual potency, it is diuretic so it is also used in hydrops. It is contraindicated for heart problems. Its toxicity is very low. Its healing power is 35%.
  • Tears-of-Our-Lady (Coix lacrima) – or Rosary beads, leaves and seeds are diuretic, optimal for spinal problems, rheumatism, kidney and bladder, joint pain, intestinal infections. Grind the seeds before making the tea. Healing power is 38%.
  • Limeira (Citrus bergamita) – the leaf is very good to help eliminate sands and kidney stones, to improve low blood pressure, fight fevers, combat stomach disorders both the bark and the leaves. It is contraindicated for those who have high blood pressure. Its healing power is low, only 15%.
  • Pink Lemon, Limon bergamot (Citrus limonia) – is excellent depurative of the blood and stomach acid scavenger has accentuating alkalizing power. It lowers the pressure and balances as well. It is rich in vitamin C, fighting colds and flu and scurvy. It is so rich that it is attributed to it indication for more than 150 diseases.
  • Lemon taiti (Citrus latifolia tanaka) – 46% its curative power and has the same indications as the previous one.
  • Lemon ciciliano – it is excellent depurative of the blood and stomach acid eliminator has accentuating alkalizing power. It lowers the pressure and balances as well. It is rich in vitamin C, fighting colds and flu and scurvy. It is so rich that it is attributed to it indication for more than 150 diseases.
  • Linseed (Linum usitatissimum) – tea is used to make tea in cases of diabetes, colitis, inflammation of the stomach and bladder. Eating the seeds loosens the gut. Flaxseed oil is widely used. It is contraindicated in cases of diarrhea, dysentery, high blood pressure, obesity and hemorrhoids. Its toxicity is low. Its healing power is high, 53%.
  • Losna (Artemisia absinthium) – eliminates worms, combats difficult menstruations, fevers, stomach cramps, cramps and liver problems. In excess causes anemia. It is contraindicated for kidney problems, heavy menses, low blood pressure. Its toxicity is high and its healing power low, only 14%.
  • Macela (Achysochyne satureioides) – combats indigestion, stomach problems, lack of appetite, is tonic, bitter, indicated for gastric disorders. It is contraindicated in cases of constipation. Healing power 33%.
  • Malva (Malva sylvestris) – is special antibiotic for the throat, ears, coughs, for stomach upsets, inflammation of sight (washing and drinking tea), toothache, it is soothing. Its toxicity is minimal. Its healing power is 34%.
  • Manihot or Manihot (Manihot utilissima) – Tea is used in tea to fight hemorrhoids, insomnia, leaves are very used in the pastoral care of the child, roasted and ground to combat anemia and malnutrition; cassava flour mixed with water fights diarrhea and dysentery. It is contraindicated green for internal use. Its toxicity is high, its healing power too, 42%.
  • Marjoram (Origanum magerona) – combat weakness of muscles and nerves. It is appetizing, this is open appetite, fighting cramps, incontinence of sexual instincts, in the form of poultice serves for rheumatic pains. It has no toxicity. Its healing power is 17%.
  • Mamoeiro (Carica papaya) – its milk, seeds and roots are vermifuge, the syrup of flowers fights cough. It is contraindicated in cases of liver disease, heartburn, and heart problems (the leaves). Its toxicity is high. Its healing power is 20%.
  • Clown Mantle (Tradescantia pupurea) – is known as tetracycline. It is a very powerful antibiotic. It is diuretic, and recommended to cleanse the skin, fighting herpes. It is contraindicated for those who are allergic to tetracycline and penicillin and into liver intoxications. Its toxicity is low. Its healing power is high, 46%.
  • Mastruço, Mentruz (Lepidium didymus) – indicated for respiratory diseases, bronchitis, asthma, diseases of the kidneys and stomach; is diuretic, combats rickets, is good salad, is great to apply over places of blows and bruises. It is free from any contraindications. Its toxicity is relatively high. Its healing power is 26%.
  • Mandacaru (Cereus sp) – tea from its roots easily eliminates kidney stones. They use their stems or trunk to fight bronchitis and pulmonary catarrh in the form of tea or syrup. It is diuretic and tonic to the heart. In the form of baths it fights rheumatism, sciatica, and gout. It is contraindicated in cases of high blood pressure, liver problems. Its toxicity is average. Its healing power is 37%.
  • Melon-de-são-caetano (Momordica charanthia) – its leaves are indicated in leucorrhoea, colic caused by worms, difficult menstruations, fevers. It’s a vermifuge, it fights diabetes. Contraindication does not exist. Its healing power is 37%.
  • Watermelon (Citrulus vulgaris) – its seeds crushed and with milk eliminate worms and fight diseases of the bladder. It is very diuretic, fights gas and is good for chest upsets. It has 21% healing power.
  • Mentrasto (Ageratum conyzoides) – is great soothing indicated to combat depression and stress, in 20 to 40 days it eliminates depression. It is tonic, eliminates fevers, is indicated for the stomach. It fights uterine cramps, colds, flu, intestinal gas, catarrh in the bladder, rheumatism and diarrhea. It is contraindicated in cases of schizophrenia. Its healing power is 40%.
  • Mil-in-rama (Achillea millefolium) – also known as milefolia and ready-relief. It is a great remedy against all bleeding: from the uterus, from the lungs, vomiting with blood, hemorrhoids, bloody diarrhea, abundant rules, mucus in the intestines, bloody phlegm of the physicists. Relieves toothache and stomach pain. Its toxicity is average. Its healing power is 32%.
  • Moranga (Cucurbita maxima) – has the same applications of common squash.
  • Mustard (Sinapis nigra) – is indicated to combat headache, is digestive, combats rheumatism; mixed with vinegar applies over the snake bite site. Its curative power is 18%.
  • Mulungu (Erythtina speciosa) – is very good for combating insomnia and nervousness, bronchitis, asthma, inflammation of the spleen and liver (the bark). Fights headaches, depression, joint pains. It should be avoided by people who have very high blood pressure. Its healing power is 43%. Its toxicity is low.
  • Nabo (Brasilica nabus) – it is fortifying, it fights tuberculosis and chilblains, roasted and applied, its seeds combat affections of the bladder and the chest. Should be avoided by those who have gases and very low pressure. Its curative power is 18%.
  • Nogueira pecan (Juglans regia) – is very good for lowering cholesterol, tea leaves. Also to clean the blood and cause the sweat. It fights high blood pressure, cancer, slimming, fighting syphilis and diabetes. Your fruits are good food. It should be avoided by people with low blood pressure. Its toxicity is low and its healing power high, 48%.
  • Pfaffia (Pfaffia paniculata) – the root is used for organic weakness, depression, anemia, leukemia, improves memory, combats heartburn and bad digestion, improves immunity, is invigorating, fights diabetes, liver ailments. It is contraindicated for heart problems, and high blood pressure. Its toxicity is low and its curative power is 39%.
  • Pariparoba, Caapeva (Piper umbellatum) – fight colds, liver and spleen evils, gastralgia and heartburn, ulcers, hemorrhoids and low blood pressure. Its toxicity is 0.5%. Healing power is 34%. It is contraindicated for loose urine.
  • Bidens pilosa – combats bladder and liver, kidney and stomach disorders, its juice is indicated to eliminate jaundice. It is useful in diabetes and throat inflammations. It should be avoided by those who have loose urine. Toxicity of 0.4% and curative power of 34%.
  • Cow’s Paw (Bauhinia fortificata) – very good for combating diabetes, kidney disease, worms, it’s purifying, fighting constipation. It is very diuretic. Its curative power is 44%. Its toxicity is low.
  • Poejo (Mentha poegium) – it is tonic, exciting, it fights belly pain, gas, indicated in the lack of menstruation, hysterical pains, its tea mixed with egg is expectorante in the bronchitis. Its healing power is 23%.
  • Pulmonary (Stachys byzantina) – is also known as rabbit ear. Your tea is good for lung conditions, it is expectorant, for asthma and bronchitis it is good to make syrup with honey. Its toxicity is low. Its healing power is 30%.
  • Stone breaker (Phylanthus ninuri) – combats maladies of the kidneys and bladder, helps to eliminate sands and stones of the kidneys, combat gall bladder, combat joint pains, rheumatism, hydrops. It should be avoided by those who have loose urine. Its toxicity is minimal. Its healing power is 45%.
  • Quina (Cohtarea herandra) – is excellent vermifuge and great for the heart. It is very bitter, combats fever, herpes, diabetes, is restorative, eliminates solitary, it opens the appetite. It is of great value in the fight against cancer, good for bathing the skin against its affections. It is contraindicated for those with a weak stomach. Its toxicity is low. Its healing power in the bark is 55%, in the leaves 50%.
  • Cabbage (Bassica oleracea) – is great for ripening boils and abscesses, crushing the leaves and applying on top for several hours. These compresses are also useful for fighting hemorrhoids, tumors, headaches. Eating cabbage prevents many diseases including cancer. Fight constipation. Everyone tolerates it well. It has 36% healing power.
  • Pomegranate (Punica granatum) – is mineralizing and refreshing, combat diphtheria, gastrointestinal and urinary tract inflammation. Its juice combats colic, fevers, bad digestions and hemorrhoids, affections of the throat and anginas. Tea from dried flowers and bark combats leucorrhea, diarrhea, and gonorrhea and is good for gargling. It is contraindicated for constipation. Its toxicity is average. Its healing power is 27%.
  • Arugula (Eruca sativa) – is purifying, stimulating, diuretic, fighting diabetes, consume as a salad. It should be avoided in the colitis. Its healing power is 32%.
  • Elderberry (Sambuccus australis) – its flowers and barks combat fevers, is diuretic, combat arthritis, gout, rheumatism, uric acid, kidney stones, abdominal hydrops, flu, bronchitis, coughs and diabetes. It is preferable to drink hot tea. Its contraindication is constipation. Its toxicity is average and its healing power only 25%.
  • Salsa (Petroselinium sativum) – very rich plant used as seasoning. It increases the pressure when it is low, combats maladies of the stomach and kidneys, fights its stones and sands, good for the bladder, opens the appetite, fights inflammations of the eyes, combats hydrops, is diuretic, fights stomach gases, cleans blood, fights Nasal bleeding (kneading the leaves and introducing into the nose). It is contraindicated in high blood pressure. Its healing power is 32%.
  • Salsaparilla (Smilax ssp) – is great cleansing the blood, fighting herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, gout, rheumatism, helps to eliminate stones and sands of the kidneys, and bladder, fight skin diseases. It helps digestion and whets the appetite. Helps fight against breast cancer. Increases muscle strength and volume. Contraindicated take too much because it gives salivation and nausea, and should be avoided by those who have diarrhea and colitis. It has low toxicity. It should not be mixed with cipó-mil-hombres. Its healing power is high, 41%.
  • Salvia officinalis – Combats nervous weakness, headache, pulmonary phlegm, inflammation of the throat, and mouth (gargling and mouthwash), gastric and intestinal disorders, is stimulant and aphrodisiac, combats stomach gases, bronchitis and colds. It is plant that can be used freely. Its healing power is 32%.
  • Sene (Cassia leptocarpa) – is laxative, purgative, fighting fevers, helps to cleanse the skin. It should be avoided in pregnancy, diarrhea and colitis. It is non-toxic and its healing power is high, 42%.
  • Brawler (Sonchus oleraceus) – strengthens the nerves, combats liver maladies, heart weakness, gas, headaches, skin rashes, strengthens the views is of good effect against the general ulcers. Anyone can use it. Its healing power is 27%.
  • Seven-sangrias (Cuphea ssp) – is a herb used to fight cholesterol and triglycerides, helps to lose weight, lowers blood pressure, fortifies the heart, cleanses the intestines and kidneys, fights fevers, gonorrhea, and relieves rheumatism. It is contraindicated in low blood pressure, thinness, hemorrhoids. It is not toxic. Its healing power is high, 43%.
  • Soy (Glycina hispida) – is useful in diabetes, organic weakness, atherosclerosis, menopause roasting and eating daily. It is very rich food, world famous, more still used for animals. It should always be used cooked or toasted. Its curative power is 42%.
  • Stévia (Stevia rabaudiana) – is a powerful natural sweetener and can be used by diabetics. It is soothing, it fights high blood pressure, insomnia, it is digestive, it fights brain fatigue. Its toxicity is minimal. Its healing power is 17%.
  • Sucupira (Bowdichia virgiloides) – potato and seed are used as depurative, for eczemas, skin patches, urticaria, wounds, ulcers, hemorrhages, rheumatism, stomach diseases, organic weakness and hydrops. It is indicated in diabetes. Should be avoided at high pressures. The toxin rate is low and its healing power is high, 43%.
  • Taiuiá (Cayaponia tayuya) – cleanses the blood, detoxifies the body. The most used is its root, but leaves and branches also serve. It is bitter, digestive, laxative in constipation, fighting skin diseases, ulcers, syphilis, rheumatism, paralysis, erysipelas, obstruction of the liver, spleen, lack of menstruation. It is contraindicated in colitis and diarrhea. It is not toxic. Its healing power is high, 48% in potatoes.
  • Tansagem (Plantago major) – is excellent antibiotic plant and many utilities. There are many varieties. Combats any inflammation, of the ears, eyes, gums, throat, pharynx, stomach, intestines, kidneys and bladder. It is also used to wash wounds. It also fights childhood cramps, intestinal fevers, flu and chronic appendicitis. There is no minimum toxicity or contraindication. Healing power is 46%.
  • Tarumã (Vitex megapotamica) – this tree is one of the best purifying of blood. It fights skin diseases, syphilis, it is diuretic and lowers the high blood pressure, it slims. Combats cholesterol and triglycerides. Fight fever. It is not recommended for low blood pressure, anemia and thinness. Its toxicity is minimal. Its curative power reaches 48%.
  • Terramycin (Alternanthera brasiliana) – powerful antibiotic. It is contraindicated for those who are allergic to penicillin. Its toxicity is low. Its healing power is 41%.
  • Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) – the seed is coolant and laxative. It is recommended in congestion, diarrhea and hemorrhoids. The leaves are vermifuge. It has no contraindication, except in constipation. The healing power of leaves is 27%; of the seeds is 32%.
  • Trapoeraba (Tradescanthia zebrina) – there are many species, all are medicinal. Combats maladies of the bladder and kidneys effectively. Combat herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, hemorrhoids, skin diseases, is diuretic and recommended in hydrops. Great for washing wounds and chilblains. It has minimal toxicity, has no contraindication whatsoever. Its healing power is 46%, very good.
  • Cat’s Claw (Acacia plumosa) – great for improving immunity, combating syphilis, gonorrhea, improving blood pressure, fighting nerve pains, sands and maladies of the kidneys, combating enuresis, intestinal and vaginal inflammation. It is good for bathing in children who do not walk. It should be avoided by those who have high blood pressure. It is non-toxic and its healing power is high, 45%.
  • Urtigão (Urera bacifera) – is one of the most precious plants that exist, because it serves to treat numerous diseases. Combat rheumatisms, calculations and sands of the kidneys, uric acid, high blood pressure, hemorrhages, hemorrhoids, syphilis, is depurative, skin diseases, diabetes, improves blood circulation and combats asthma and anemia. Not recommended for those with low blood pressure. You can use any part of the bush, the roots being the strongest, then the trunk comes. Its toxicity is low. Its healing power is high 49% in the trunk and goes from 50% at the root.
  • Grape, Grapefruit (Vitis vinifera) – wine is reconstitutive, combats anemia, is diuretic and laxative, tonic to the nervous system. The leaves have a good effect on chronic dysenteries and hemorrhages. Leaves tea helps in menopause. Contraindication of the grape: in cases of diarrhea and colitis. Its toxicity is low. Its healing power is very high, 53%.
  • Grapefruit (Arctostaphylos uva ursi) – is indicated for kidney problems, mainly to eliminate stones, combat high blood pressure and is very diuretic. It is contraindicated for loose urine, colitis, and low blood pressure. Its toxicity is low, its healing power is 37%.
  • Urucu (Bixa orelana) – the seed powder has a good effect on the heart, combats constipation, hemorrhages and affections of the stomach. It is indicated as an expectorant and for breast diseases. Fight the venom of the manioc brave. Improves low blood pressure. Contraindication: high blood pressure, diarrhea, hemorrhoids. Its toxicity is minimal. Its healing power is 30%.
  • Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) – is widely used as a tranquilizer, in epilepsies, for compresses on wounds and bruises. The roots are used. There is no contraindication. Its curative power is 34%.