Faith, Cosmology and the teachings of Jesus:
Health and Nutrition:
- Dr. Royal Raymond Rife
- Andreas Kalcker
- Medical Medium – Anthony William
- Hulda Clark
- Saul Pressman
- Max Gerson
- Joel Wallach
- J.W. Armstrong
- Brian Ardis – The Antidote
- Robert Rowen
- Zach Bush MD
- Bill Schnoebelen
- Leonard Coldwell
- Ryke Geert Hamer
- Andreas Moritz
- Howard Robins
- Tullio Simoncini
- Johanna Budwig
- Rudolf Breus
- Manfred von Ardenne
- Dr. Hamer
Microbiome and regeneration:
Permaculture & Regenerative Agriculture:
- Ernst Goetsch
- Zach Bush MD
- Bill Mollisson
- Geoff Lawton
- Sepp Holzer
- Charles Eisenstein
Kin Domain Education:
- Vladimir Megré – The Ringing Cedars series (PDF):
- Escola Tekos Russia
Water – Energy – Cosmos:
- Viktor Schauberger
- Nicolas Tesla
- Nassim Haramein
- Wilhelm Reich
- Gerald Pollack
Non violent communication – NVC:
General Education:
- “Blue Zones”
- “What the Health ?”
- “Cowspiracy”
- “The Game Changers”
- “Câncer e as Curas Proibidas”
- “5 hábitos nutricionais que aceleram nosso envelhecimento“
- “Life without disease” – Leonard Coldwell
- “Food Matters”
- “Food Choices”
- “O veneno esta na mesa”
Vision and general education:
- James Corbett
- Jon Rappoport
- David Icke
- William Engdahl
- Michael Chossudovsky
- Sacha Stone
- Joe Martino
- Noam Chomsky
- Charles Eisenstein
- Spiros Skouros
- Alex Jones
- Paul Joseph Watson
- Lauren Southern
- Whitney Webb
- Derrick Broze
- Dan Dicks
- Robert David Steele
- Paul Craig Roberts
- Gary Barnett
- Kevin Barrett
- Michael Snyder
- Brandon Smith
People and Health:
- Sayer Ji
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
- Joe Mercola
- Andrew Wakefield
- Kelly Brogan
- Del Bigtree
- Jeffrey Smith
- Josh Del Sol
- Jeromy Johnson
Unified Field Theory:
- Nassim Haramein
- William Brown
- Robert Grant
- Marshall Lefferts
- Gregg Braden
- Bruce Lipton
- Dean Radin
- Rollin McCraty
- Peter Lindemann
- Tom Bearden
The One World Tartarians
“The Greatest Civilization Ever to Be Erased From History”